About us
Bartlett United Methodist is one of the great churches of Methodism in our area. During the past several years it has experienced growth in membership, in ministry to its members and in outreach ministries to the community and to the world. We believe that a greater future is before us. We are grateful that God has given to us an opportunity to be a part of His ministry.
For more information about specific opportunities available for you and your family, look around on this web page, or contact a member of the church staff or send us an email message. We look forward to your active participation as a member of Bartlett United Methodist Church.
our staff:
Steve Shapard
Senior Pastor
Andy Thompson
Associate Pastor
Bernardo Zapata
Multi Ethnic Ministries Pastor
Lynn Thompson
Youth/ Young Adult Ministries
Todd Wilson
Director of Music Ministries
Karen Strawhecker
Associate Director of Music/ Organist
Jon Steadman
Director of Contemporary/ Youth Music
Angela Lewter
Director of Kid's Ministries
Perry Martini
Director of Outreach Ministries
Sam Thompson
Marcia Kerl
Jennifer Demetriou
David McDonald
Eddie Lindsey
Jennifer Freeman
Cheryl Phillips
Ron Johnson
Fred Morton
Bartlett United Methodist is one of the great churches of Methodism in our area. During the past several years it has experienced growth in membership, in ministry to its members and in outreach ministries to the community and to the world. We believe that a greater future is before us. We are grateful that God has given to us an opportunity to be a part of His ministry.
For more information about specific opportunities available for you and your family, look around on this web page, or contact a member of the church staff or send us an email message. We look forward to your active participation as a member of Bartlett United Methodist Church.
our staff:
Steve Shapard
Senior Pastor
Andy Thompson
Associate Pastor
Bernardo Zapata
Multi Ethnic Ministries Pastor
Lynn Thompson
Youth/ Young Adult Ministries
Todd Wilson
Director of Music Ministries
Karen Strawhecker
Associate Director of Music/ Organist
Jon Steadman
Angela Lewter
Perry Martini
Sam Thompson
Marcia Kerl
Jennifer Demetriou
David McDonald
Eddie Lindsey
Jennifer Freeman
Cheryl Phillips
Ron Johnson
Fred Morton
Director of Contemporary/ Youth Music
Director of Kid's Ministries
Director of Outreach Ministries
Bartlett United Methodist Church is one of the great churches of Methodism in our area. During the past several years it has experienced growth in membership, in ministry to its members, and in outreach ministries to the community and to the world. We believe that a greater future is before us. We are grateful that God has given to us an opportunity to be a part of His ministry.
For more information about specific opportunities available for you and your family, look around on this web page, or contact a member of the church staff or send us an email message. We look forward to your active participation as a member of Bartlett United Methodist Church.
our staff:
Rev. Dean Emerson
Rev. Donna Spencer
Lynn Thompson
Karen Strawhecker
Donia Wade
Director of Music Ministries